Edinburgh Castle

What are the Famous Tourist Spots in Edinburgh?

What are the Famous Tourist Spots in Edinburgh? Edinburgh is one of the most spectacular cities in the world, and a must-see on any trip to Scotland. It is a city steeped in history and culture and there are sites of interest everywhere. Here’s a list of some of Inspiring Travel Scotland’s most famous tourist … Continue reading “What are the Famous Tourist Spots in Edinburgh?”

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Is One Week Enough Time to Visit Scotland?

Is One Week Enough Time to Visit Scotland? You’re here because you want to know if one week is enough time to visit Scotland. Well, the short answer to this question is NO! Scotland is such a rich country with so many different sights and activities to offer that one week could never be enough, … Continue reading “Is One Week Enough Time to Visit Scotland?”

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The Pap of Glencoe Scottish Highlands
Landscapes, Castles, Scotland

Scottish Tourism Prepares to Reopen in July!

With the welcome news that tourism businesses can begin to prepare to re-open in Scotland from mid-July, we are sure there will be upsurge in the amount of people throughout the UK who will be looking closer to home for their next holiday. A tour of Scotland will be high on the agenda for lots … Continue reading “Scottish Tourism Prepares to Reopen in July!”

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A view from the Quiraing, Skye, in the Scottish Highlands

UK Staycation – Luxury Holiday in the New Normal

Although many of us may not be travelling abroad in the near future, we are beginning to see some positive steps, and it may not be long before we can travel more freely and most importantly, safely, throughout the UK. As restrictions ease and we adapt to the “new normal” of social distancing and minimising … Continue reading “UK Staycation – Luxury Holiday in the New Normal”

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Dunnottar Castle
Castles, Scotland

10 of Scotland’s Best Castles

Scotland is one of the most romantic countries in the world, with its rugged landscapes and its rich history. Nothing quite encapsulates these aspects of Scotland’s personality quite like a castle – and Scotland has been blessed with so many castles. There is the most famous Castle of all that you can’t miss – Edinburgh … Continue reading “10 of Scotland’s Best Castles”

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Earth Day 2020 – Appreciating Scotland’s Beauty

There’s never been a more appropriate time to appreciate the planet we live on. Wednesday the 22nd of April was Earth Day. Here at Inspiring Travel Scotland, we wanted to share a video by one of our partners, Visit Scotland. We just wanted show some beautiful scenes from Scotland to remind everyone (as we all … Continue reading “Earth Day 2020 – Appreciating Scotland’s Beauty”

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One Thing is Certain: Scotland is Exceptional!

A lot has changed very quickly in the last few weeks and at this current time, it is only natural to have feelings of uncertainty. Things will change again, and things will improve. It’s important to acknowledge, however, that one thing remains a constant and a certainty: Scotland is exceptional. If you need any proof, … Continue reading “One Thing is Certain: Scotland is Exceptional!”

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The saltire, Scotland's national flag - St Andrew's day

Inspiring Travel Scotland COVID-19

  At Inspiring Travel Scotland, we offer package tours of Scotland as well as tailormade Scotland tours. As it’s our responsibility and duty to our customers, we continually monitor the situation regarding the Coronavirus pandemic and are in contact with our key partners and clients.   What is the coronavirus situation in Scotland? There are … Continue reading “Inspiring Travel Scotland COVID-19”

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The Pap of Glencoe Scottish Highlands
Castles, Scotland, Landscapes

Why You Need to Visit the Scottish Highlands at Least Once!

Here at Inspiring Travel Scotland, we try to provide helpful travel guides about Scotland. We hope our insight and knowledge helps readers plan their next trip and that they will hopefully keep us in mind if they want to book a truly customised Scotland tour.  However, in all of our effort to offer advice and … Continue reading “Why You Need to Visit the Scottish Highlands at Least Once!”

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Edinburgh Fringe display from last year

Short Guide to the Edinburgh Festival 2019

Last year, we wrote a blog titled ‘A Brief Introduction to the Edinburgh Festival’. A year later, this blog is still well worth reading as it covers the history of the Edinburgh Festival, as well as giving some background on The Fringe, and the Free Fringe. There is also plenty of advice in last year’s … Continue reading “Short Guide to the Edinburgh Festival 2019”

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